Pollen Counts in Seattle, WA

TodayTodayThursdayThursdayFridayFridaySaturdaySaturdaySundaySunday0000010000000011122322212GrassGrassRagweedRagweedTreeTreeMoldMoldAir QualityAir Quality
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Today, the overall pollen level in Seattle, WA is very low and the number of mold spores in the air is low. The Air Quality Index (AQI) is 52, meaning that the air quality is acceptable, but there may be risk for people who are unusually sensitive to air pollution. The primary pollutant is Nitrogen Dioxide. The heatmap above summarizes the daily pollen, mold, and air quality levels for the next five days. The following graphs display detailed forecasts for each allergen.


TodayTodayThursdayThursdayFridayFridaySaturdaySaturdaySundaySunday00000Grass Pollen554433221100grains/mᶟ
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Today, the ragweed pollen count is expected to be low with a pollen count of 2 grains per cubic meter. In the coming days, the ragweed pollen count is expected to decrease to 0 grains/㎥ on Thursday.

TodayTodayThursdayThursdayFridayFridaySaturdaySaturdaySundaySunday20000Ragweed Pollen30302424181812126600grains/mᶟ
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Today, the tree pollen count is expected to be 0 grains per cubic meter. In the coming days, the tree pollen count is expected to rise to 1 grain/㎥ on Sunday, which is considered to be low.

TodayTodayThursdayThursdayFridayFridaySaturdaySaturdaySundaySunday00001Tree Pollen5050404030302020101000grains/mᶟ
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Today, the outdoor mold spore count is expected to be low with 3250 spores per cubic meter. In the coming days, the mold spore count is expected to rise to 16455 spores/㎥ on Sunday, which is considered to be high.

TodayTodayThursdayThursdayFridayFridaySaturdaySaturdaySundaySunday3250487573131097016455Mold Spores2000020000150001500010000100005000500000spores/mᶟ
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Air Quality

Today's air quality index is expected to be moderate with an index of 52. In the coming days, the air quality index is expected to improve to 50 (considered good) on Saturday and then worsen to 53 (moderate) on Sunday.

TodayTodayThursdayThursdayFridayFridaySaturdaySaturdaySundaySunday5251525053Air Quality Index100100808060604040202000air quality index
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Internet Search Trends

Research has shown that Google search trends may be an indicator of pollen levels in the absence of reliable pollen sensors, which can be few and far between in certain areas. While it is not a precise measure of airborne pollen, it can show which regional populations seem to be more affected by pollen. The following maps of relative interest in the Google search query “Pollen” over the past day in the United States and Washington may shed light on the pollen situation in the areas near Seattle.


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